Saturday 28 September 2013

Kim's City Side~Chapter one- Homeworking

4D was very noisy. It was a Friday afternoon.
"2 days of freedom!" Thaudeus exclaimed.
"Hush, 4D!" Mrs Darting bustled. "Now, everyone knows that the Milk Fair is coming soon, right?"
"Yep!" called out Sarah.
"Remember, your homework is to write a poem fir the Milk Poem contest!"
The bell rang. "Now you may go!"
Kim joined in the stream of kids through the door. She was careful not to hit her bag.
A great squeezing, a great streaming,
Of creamy white milk,
Ready to wash down leftover food,
While a cow is a-dreaming....

"Kim? Helooo!" Dahlia said. "Are you thinking about something?"
"Oh," Kim said, shaking her head. "Just thinking about the Milk Poem."
"I was too," Harry chipped in. "The name sounds dumb!"
He stuck his tongue out at Kim. "Teacher's pet!" he sang out before dashing away.

"I'll get that creep!" Dahlia said, shaking her fist. "Kim, what are you writing! It's been ten minutes! Mr Pittle's ice cream van will be leaving soon!"
She peered over Kim's shoulder.
Milk Poem
By Kimmy from 4D
A great sqe squeezing,
Of creamy white milk,
"Oh come on, Kim!" Dahlia whinged. 
"Oh, alright," Kim said, putting her book away.

Friday 27 September 2013

Kim's City Side

Kimmy went to her room to get her Math book. On the way, she passed her parent's room.
I don't know, Hugh,” her mother's voice went. “I don't think Kim's ready.”
But, Sheila! Just think of it! Broadway, Shell, Broadway!” came her father's excited voice.
Kim pressed her ear against the door. It was evesdropping, but a
conversation with her name was just too interesting.
NOT Brodway, Hugh! Harley Street! That's another country! Don't just think of yourself! We can't move to New York! Not now!” her mother persuaded.
Kim froze. Move? New York? Broadway? Words swirled in her head, and her heart swelled. Maybe Dad was joking? But no, they were so serious and excited....
This is Kim Hareth, twelve year old daughter of Hugh Hareth and Sheila Bridges. She lives in a flat in the outskirts of London. Happy? Yes, until she hears something she just can't except.
She moves, to the dazzling New York city, Harley Street. Kimmy'll just have to get used to crowded, spaceless, and rowdy. But she always secretly wishes of clean, fresh air, calm, peaceful parks, and quiet afternoons. Will she get to see Maryeth Road again?

Read Kim's City Side to find out.

Thursday 26 September 2013

Fire Doorway

Daphne is worried. Her house has burnt down, and her beloved grandma is ill. But when she moves from the dazzling Pricilla Road to the down-town graffiti-filled, St Micheal, she meets tough-girl Allianne. Maybe things are going to change? 

Read through the short, though miserable diary of Daphne Emily Rodger, as she records the ups and downs of her crazy life.

I feel so embarassed. Okay, so maybe I'm on the local newspaper, and next week we're having an interview with 7 News, and Sunshine News, but I feel it.
The reasons why I'm embarassed is: a) my house burned down b) everyone will laugh at me and c) well, does there have to be a c) ?!
"Where will we stay while they clean it out?" I asked my Dad.
"Hotel, where else?" Dad shrugged.
"This is SO exciting," my little brother, Tim, laughed. "I'm going to be a fireman and I'll save Marianne from  HUGEGANTIC fire!"
Marianne, his twin sister, giggled. They both posses the same personality: looking at the fun side of things.
"Cut it out, guys!" I said, shocked. Why would having your perfect house burnt down be good? It was good Auntie Kay dragged us off on the shopping trip, otherwise we would be lying in hospital, or worse!
"Shhh!" my older sister, Makaya, said. "Mum's talking to a police. Why don't we look at the wanted signs?"
I loved Makaya for being such a great big sister. We were in the police station, still carrying our  shopping bags. We were also holding toothbrushes and pj's from our night stay at my Uncle Harry's house.
Makaya is lying on the bed in Henderson Ridge Hotel. "I wish I were in my room," she whispers, pulling me into her bed. "I just can't get to sleep."
"Same," I say. Then I bite my lip. "I lost Fluffle."
Fluffle was a green bunny my great aunt Patricia gave me, two weeks before she died. I loved Great Aunt Patricia. But now Fluffle is in flames, or sooty black.
Mum hears me, and picks me up. "It's OK, Daphne, I'll get you some new toys soon."
But I don't want new toys, I want Fluffle. Luckily no-one in my school knows about her, even my BFF Miranda Hudson.
I lie about in bed all night, thinking. When I finally fall asleep, it's past midnight.

Sorry I haven't written in a while. It's because Granny Jodie is ill. I've drifted in and out of St Maguire hospital in tears, thinking.
Granny Jodie was the first person I ever smiled to as a baby. Her pink face was crinkled in granny-love, her hazel eyes laughing. But now her face is pale and crinkled in pain, her hazel eyes empty. It was all she could do to smile.
Right now I've been working on a scarf I'm making for her instead of writing. Mum says I should become a writer because I've always gotten A's for my English and spelling.
I'm going to write a short acoustic poem for Granny Jodie.

Good at making chicken soup
Rambles on and on about her childhood (when healthy)
Always there for you
Never gives up on you
Nice and generous
Yummy scones!

Just put in hospital
Oliver! is her favourite movie
Dancing maniac
Is a good hugger
Every day is a special day is her motto

There. I'm going to show it to Mum.
I've just shown her and she said in her posh voice, "Gorgeous, Daphne!"
Now I'm going to go to the resturant for dinner. It's good that it's the term holidays!

Granny Jodie is getting worse. It looks like I've got to stop writing in my diary for a while to finish the scarf. Either that or I'll have to write shorter entries. The scarf is marmalade, her favourite colour.
I've got to stop writing, cos we're going swimming soon. Gotta continue on the scarf...

Guess what? Yesterday we checked out of the hotel and went to see what the Police and Firemen salvaged from the fire. Fluffle is a bit blackish, but she's still OK.
Mum's taking us shopping at 3 o'clock, so we can buy toys and clothes. Our house is badly damaged, so we sold it to the builders. We're moving into St Micheal's in a few weeks. St Micheal, from what I've heard of, is the HQ of the rebels at our area, Pricilla Road. Luckily, Mum says we're only staying there for a few weeks.
We visited Granny Jodie at the hospital. She's getting a bit better, and it turns out she has Cancer. She's having some sort of operation. I showed her the poem and she hugged me. Now she's well enough to go around on a wheelchair, and she gathered enough energy to hug Makaya, Tim, Marianne, and me.
She also gave us all a gift: Marianne a hobby horse, Tim a fireman costume set, Makaya an iPod case and a pair of her very own high heels. She gave ME a dolphin necklace, and a purple padlocked diary.
"I know you have one already, but," Granny Jodie said warmly. "I thought you might want one in case know..."
I know what she meant.
I've gotta stop writing because: a) I'm crying, b) my page is all wet, and c) my hands are hurting.

We went shopping for stuff today, at Garden Hall Shopping Village. Mum bought new clothes for all of us, but the ones I especially liked were a pair of green gel-strapped sandals and a tee that says PEACE in big purple letters.
Makaya went mad over an orange floral-print scarf, so Mum HAD to give in. Marianne hugged a teddy-bear t-shirt and dropped it in the trolley, and Tim grabbed a green ALIEN DUDE shirt and said he was in love.
Mum bought herself a red angel tee and Dad just sighed and dropped a Super Man sweater into the trolley.
Then, Mum said we had to split up. Mum would go with Tim, Dad with Marianne, and me with Makaya .
Makaya was handed a $20 dollar note. "Be careful what you buy," Dad warned, and dragged Marianne over to the little girl's toys.
Makaya didn't really want any toys, because she was 16, but she bought her self a lip-gloss making set, and some skull stickers. "To decorate my journal," she said, dropping it in the basket. "What do you want, Daph?"
I asked for an LPS and book, and Makaya waited for me to pick an LPS out, while she grabbed some confectionary.
After that, I eventually found Makaya and dragged her to a bookshop.  I picked out a Jaqueline Harvey book, and Makaya found herself some "exciting" book called Confessions of a Troubled Teen.
We all went to the cafe` where we were to meet, and Makaya handed me five bucks. I bought some fries and a coke for Makaya.
We've moved into St Micheal, and it's just two weeks till school. Marianne is playing with her new Barbies and my LPS, and Tim is playing with his Hot Wheels set.
Mum says I should go and explore, and I found: the public toilets covered with orange and purple graffiti, the park with the playground covered in green spray paint, and the pool, with no graffiti inside, but a whole bunch on the metal gates. Nice. I also see a gang of rebels, dressed in eye-catching colours. I thought they were supposed to keep their identities secret. Suddenly, a girl with purple and green hair walks toward me. She's the sort of girl who'd paint the teacher's backside pink and not regret it. She's also the sort of girl who I admire, not that it's a good habit.
She catches my eyes and grins with her bright pink lips. She looks younger than my sister, about 13. Great. I'm 11, and a wimpy target.
"Hey," she said. "You new around here? I haven't seen you 'round here."
"Er, yeah." I choked on my words. "I'm Daphne."
"Nice name," she said. "You from Pricilla Rd? I'm Alliane."
"Uh, yeah."
She laughed, her voice loud and beautiful. "The only word you've managed to say is yeah."
I laughed nervously. "Well," I managed. "See you 'round."
I walked away.
She was weird, weird but cool.

Today is Tim's sixth birthday. We invited some of our old friends from Pricilla Rd.  Miranda came in a purple sequined top and designer jeans.
She sniffed when she sees me, but grins. "Seriously? You live here? Why can't you stay at my place while they, like fix your house?"
"I know," I groaned in embarassment, "maybe we could have a sleepover sometime...."
Allianne peeked her head over the fence, this time her hair is black. "Hey Daphne!" she called, jumping over. "Who's that?"
"Uh, this is Miranda, my Bestie." I force a smile on my face, and fidget with my bitten nails.
The word "bestie" makes Alliane's face fall, and I feel guilty for no reason.
"Uh, okay, I should go now. Wanna help me decorate the sidewalk?"
"Can't...." I mumble.
"Oh, alright."
Gotta stop, we're going to plant some pansies in the garden.
Sorry I haven't written in a while. I feel guilty every time Mum buys me something. I think I'm starting to grow into 'Miss Bratty Princess'.
I met this girl called Beatrice. She says to call her "Beety". Miranda says she wants to give me a kitty for BFF day. Alliane comes over, mostly Thursday afternoon.
It's my birthday soon!

I haven't written in a while....Granny Jodie died on the 27/3 2013 5 o'clock. I feel so sad. Gosh, the pa// is w/t! S//ry about the smu/ge/. I miss all the times me and /er play/d togeth// in Mell/w P/rk. I s/ould st/p writing before my page flo/ds.

A few months later...

Now I am a different person. Miranda stopped being my friend, but she still gave me a furry little ball. I called my kitten Aurora. She's an Angora. Her fur matches my hair. Black. Now Alliane is my BFF. She's quirky, funny, and sarcastic sometimes. I'm glad. Now I read my story over and over again. Sometimes I cry at the Granny Jodie parts.
I guess thats me. :)


Stolen Goods
A bucket full of berries,
A pocketful of flowers,
A handful,
of stolen tomatoes,
From uncle peter's shed.

All of the goods,
In return,
for $10 and 50 c.
That's all in good favour,
Till uncle peter's anxious,
To get all the change,
To pay for a paver!

The fabulous feeling,
That the ice-cream creates,
A delicious cool subsistence,
Melting on one's fate.
How your tongue comes for more!

The puffy candy floss,
How it looks so beautiful,
When you pluck a few puffs.
And pop them in your watering mouth,
Making a sugary pile!

Monday 9 September 2013

Sarah of Lake Munroe Blurb

To Diane, who's a live wrapped cupcake.
( that sounds weird :-) )

* I was there, in my room with Mr Miller, the tall, wealthy Scottish man with me.*
 Meet Sarah, the ten year old girl with her own river. Her Mother left when she was one, her father died, and she's taken away to the wretched orphanage. But Sarah is lucky. She meets her mum, and together, they lead an exciting life of striving.
Diane is Jaqueline Wilson, the second. Read Sarah of Lake Munroe for free in the fabulous blog,

Anya Rafa of : Fabulous read, great description and soft text. My heart is weeping.

Smiling may you come and smiling may you go. :)

Friday 6 September 2013

A Wrapped Cup Cake

I stared out the window and sighed. A group of raggedy kids, even a lady and her baby, were standing a few paces back from the Gold Cammer and waving.
In a few minutes Sammeth Street would come into view, and the countryside view, old faded barns and cornfields would disappear. In it's place would be shining horses and wagons, frilly old ladies and golden carriages.

Thursday 5 September 2013


Ivy ran into her room, sobbing. Why did she have to leave Europe, so suddenly? Is there something going on, she thought.
Matt, her brother had said "We're broke."

Meet Ivanne Solasticce Maut. The rich, pretty girl in the green skirt. But not for long. Mr Solasticce's oil company was ruined when a great big wave pulverised it. Ivy, Matt, Laureane and Hugh move into the blistery hot India, where camels are worth a river of gold. It seems bad, but Ivanne has a strong point, she can make friends. Will India be as tough as it is, or is it really a wrapped cupcake?
Read to find out!
~ Anya
To: Felicia , and Malia Gillouin. Sorry if the adress is wrong! :D