Friday 25 July 2014

Book Reviews with Anya (BRWA) The Rainbow Troops

Heheh. I think it's time for some PATRIOTISME. If you all understand what it means.
Okay, okay, it means love for your homeland. Let's just get to the review!

The Rainbow Troops 

Andrea Hirata

  This charming book, The Rainbow Troops, or, originally Laskar Pelangi is an international best seller. It tells a story of students from a poor school, from the point of view of Ikal, a curly head who is in love with the hands of a Chinese girl.
Trapani, a handsome boy who is obsessed with his mother, Lintang, who's drug is education, and Kucai with a figure of a politician are some of the unique characters of this book. 

"Humour, adrenaline, and the harsh reality of life in Bangka Island, Indonesia, are just the basic ingredients of Andrea Hirata's best seller."
Andrea Hirata's novel is now a movie

The children fight to keep their crooked school from the evil grasp of state owned enterprizes. Bu Muslimah and Pak Harfan try to help, but after the death of their elderly Pak Harfan, things don't look too good. Some students, including Kucai, Samson, Mahar, A Kiong, and, finally, Ikal are tempted by treasure and skip school for their pain staking jobs.
Finally, Bu Mus' young and determined spirit brings them back together to hold the school together.
Will ten children and one teenager be able to save the termite-infested building they call school?
Read Rainbow Troops to find out!