Thursday 25 April 2013

The Three Star Hotel (2) - The New Girl

Words from the author:

So far, life for Star is all happiness... It's time for a change, starting with a new friend........

Chapter One

It's one of those times when you think about having a younger sibling. Maybe, in my case, another younger sibling. 
Right now, I'm imagining a trip to the park, pushing the small stroller around, and telling her how to make noises.
My sister Dollie can already speak, (unfortunately!) and sometimes she says annoying things, but it's kind've OK because she's three. 
Apparently, my mum doesn't want another baby, 'cos she doesn't want her small hips to explode. 
So here I am daydreaming, my mouth open, on the dinner table. 
"Close your mouth, darling," Mum says, spoon-feeding Dollie mashed potatoes and peas as she scribbles me a letter in her messy scrawl.
Suddenly, she's standing by my side, smiling her cute gap-toothed smile.
"Hewe you awe, Staw!" she grins, holding out a sheet of red paper with a squiggly picture of a star. 
I open it up:
Deer STaR,
Ay Lov YooO
LoV DoLleY

"Uh, thanks, Dollie," I mumble.
"Youw welcome!" Dollie says, hugging me.
"So," Katie says, chuckling. "She wrote you a letter?"
"I think it sounds cute!" Ginger complains. 
"Yeah, I guess it does," I say. Me, Katie and Ginger are on the lawn at school, talking little-sisters and messy letters.
"Hey," Katie says, changing the subject. "I heard there's gonna be a new student at school."
"Really!" me and Ginger say, sounding interested.
"Yeah, and her name's Ros Martin." 
"How'd you know?" I ask.
"School website," she mumbles, taking a bite of her carrot sticks. "Here." She shows us her laptop.
"Oh, yeah," Ginger grins. "Do you know how you can get to know more people?"              
"Typical Ginger," Katie mutters. "There's the school profile page." She flicks to a page.
"Ooh!" Ginger smiles. "Kim Frendher looks nice!"
She points to a picture of a tall, slim, brown haired girl.
"She looks friendly! Oooh! And look! There's you Star!" Ginger shouts.
And, of course, she's right. There's a picture of a short, black haired girl flashing a shy smile.
"They must've used the school photo," Katie laughs. "Hey, scroll up, that's me!"
Why is Katie so confident! There's a photo of Katie, sticking her tongue out at the camera, her eyebrows raised, eyes laughing.
"Where's me?" Ginger stutters looking around.
"Uh, um, oh! There you are!!" I say, grinning widely.
Katie and Ginger look toward the screen and that's when I feel sad.
Why am I always the shy one? Sometimes it's so infuriating! Even my sister is braver than me!
Katie is right. The next day, most of the class is gathered around Ros Martin as if she is a new exhibition  at the zoo. At first I don't see her, but then I notice a tall, pink-streaky haired girl, a smile forced on her timid face.
"Nice hair!" Madison Dovonan, the class diva purrs.
If I were her I would stare, but she doesn't even glance.
But when she notices me, her her whole face lights up and she mumbles some sorries and shoves her way towards me. Big mistake. Compared to me, she's a light house!
"Hey!" she says, grinning. Not what I expected. Her voice is so soft and cheery. "What's you're name?"
"Uh, Star," I say uneasily.
"Wow! Cool name!" she gushes. I fidget with my shirt.
Madison shoots a fiery glare at me and storms off. She probably wants a praiser, too.

Chapter Two

After school, I tell Dad all about Ros.
"She sounds like a very friendly girl," he says, nodding.
I sigh, pulling off my bicycle helmet.
"What?" Dollie says, trying to climb on my bike.
"Nothing, and get off my bike," I say, exasperated, tugging her off.
"Daddy, can I have a bike?" she asks, her eyes wide.
"Maybe we can get you a tricycle first," Dad says gently, lifting her up into the house.
As I wander inside, a sweet, creamy aroma fills my nose.
"What've you been cooking, Mum?" I sniff.
"Oh, just Pandan cake, Star, honey," she says, walking into the room. "You can have some while you do your homework."
"'Kay Mum," I say, shrugging off my coat.
The next day, Ros finally explains.
"I know I'm a bit annoying, but I can't help it, 'cos I haven't got any new friends, and looking at you is like looking at the mirror," she says limply.
"Nah, s'okay I suppose," I shrug, grinning.
"Plus, it feels fun not being the only shy person, though judging by your hair, you're braver than me!" I chuckle.
"Thanks!" she beams, face shining. "I thought you were braver than me!"
"Hey Star!" Katie says, "have you heard the news?"
"What news?" I ask, puzzled.
"C'mon," she grins dragging me off. I manage to shoot Ros an apolligetic glance and shrug.
"That," Katie says, pointing to a new piece of paper pinned to the dash-board.
In bold letters is says:

On the 29th of April, there will be an exciting trip to St Mahillan Orphanage where students will write articles about the history and story of the orphans. They will write an article in which they will send to the Daily Globe newspaper. 

To sign in you must write your name, age and parent name  in the list below. The deadline to sign up will be the 24th of April. 

Name:                           Age:         Parent Name:

Madeline Morris    14   Jessica and Micheal Morris
Angus Cloud     11    Audrey Cloud
Mandy Richsten 13   Mary and Tim Richsten
Katie Richards  13   Alvin and Kristy Richards
Ginger Mattson  14  Guy and Allie Mattson
Allie Mason    12  Marina and Drey Mason 

"You should sign up now!"  Katie grins. "There are only two spots left!"
"I dunno..." I sigh uncomfortably. I've never actually said no to Katie."What about Ros?"
"Who cares about Ros?!!" Katie shouts, her face changing mildly. "Ever since Ros has been here, she's been stealing you with all her praises!" She says the name Ros with disgust.
I stand there, mouth half open, tears welling in my eyes. I never thought Katie was jealous of anything. "W-well I c-can't help it if I-I - have a f-friend like me f-for once!"I stutter.
"I guessed so! You were pretty stupid then, soaking up to all her silly statements! Ooh, what nice hair you have, Star! Oh, Star, you're a star!" Katie sneers, then stormed off.
To make matters worse, Madison Donovan appears, smirking. "So," she says, eyebrows raised. "Looks like you're own best friend hates you. I'd be your friend, but," she pauses, pointing to a photo of Ros, Ginger, Katie and me, "you already have a fan." She looks at me pityingly.
"Well looks like you don't have a friend, either," a voice says. Ginger! What? First Katie shouts at me, next Ginger's standing up for me! Never has she done that, except from the time she told a cat to go away in kindergarten. 
"Wha - ?" we shout.
"Please don't wha' at me," she says, "anyway, stop being mean to her! I'm her friend! And by the way, Ros isn't a fan, she's a very ni -"
"No I'm not," a small, soft voice says. Ros stands in the doorway, small, sad, sorry. 
"Well, uh, the fourth session bell has rang, and, I uh, don't wanna be late, so I'm gonna go," Madison points her thumb at the hallway and scrambles away.
"Well, I guess I gotta go," Ros says weakly. 
"No, wait!" I shout as she starts to walk away.
"Well, maybe we can sort Katie out, somehow..." I say.
"Really?!" Ros says.
"Maybe.." Ginger looks at me knowingly. "After we sort out your red eyes!"
The End




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