Thursday 7 July 2011

being lost

One day Willa and Alvis were going on an adventure. They said goodbye to their parents and packed food, drinks, jackets, scarfs, hats a camp a rug a blanket a pillow and a candle and some match packets. 

Then they put up the sail and brought an umbrella. They pushed the boat into the sea. When they reached an island they put up their camps and put everything out. They were having so much fun they didn’t notice it was begining to flood. When they saw the flood heading fast. 

They broke a piece of wood and put their camps on it and got in the camps and began sailing away, now they were really lost, just then a sea monster licked their hair and the twins began screaming so loud their mother woke them up from their sleep and told them that they were screaming very loud and they realised that they were dreaming. 

They told their mother about their dream and mother laughed and told them that fluffy their cat were licking them because mother asked fluffy to lick them so that they would wake up and after that they had a great big loud laugh and clapped. The End.

By Anya. 

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